Separate names with a comma.
I wonder if daddems will buy him out of this mess?
The biggest problem is not the guns, it is the mental health issues of the people that are allowed to purchase them. The Fedex shooter was on the...
I've never found out if the $20 was actually counterfeit.
Caribou Barbie! Gees, even she wouldn't have effed up the country as bad as toupee boy.
Trump probably had him killed for all the garbage he had on him. Next on the list is O'Reilly.
Newt Gingrich. Boffing the next whilst still married to the soon to be previous. And his current one, a Catholic - nominated for ambassador to the...
Hmmm, wonder WTF Trump is going to proverbially eff up while in Israel. He already shared super sensitive Israeli gathered intelligence with his...
It wouldn't be the best idea to bring up radical islam whilst surrounded by a bunch of rich, overfed, sword swinging Saudis. Gawd, even Trump knows...
Who is your leader, fool? [IMG]
And where do you come up with that idea, you intelligence lacking fool?
She needs to overcome all this Bristol Palin Levi Johnston stuff first, sounds like things are getting a bit Jerry Springeresque in the trailer park...
The interesting paradox with North Korea is that they have a seriously outdated military that consist for the most part of 1950's and 1960's...
Well Rush Limbaugh doesn't like women, remember he coined the term feminazi to describe female rights organisations - he has three failed marriages...
Limbaugh isn't a conservative nor is he a liberal, he is just a plain stupid bigot.