First off, I don't believe the numbers. Secondly, THIS MEANS THAT 42% of the Americans (?) who responded to the poll are either: BRAINWASHED SNOWFLAKS, IGNORANT FOOLS OR PROGRESSIVE MARXISTS SEEKING TO DESTROY OUR AMERICAN PIE!
Hmmm… I figured there were more brainwashed snowflakes than 42%! Maybe the rest were busy that day learning how to make Molotov cocktails from Bill Ayers, attending communist meetings, learning the best way to slaughter unborn children or convincing young boys to cut off their penises.
These bizarre persons that we call progressive liberals have never been in the majority. Simply the loudest. All one has to do is to look at the current administration’s staff. They claim it to be more representative of our nation when in fact it is a melting pot of the extremists that are seldom seen in society. A full 80% of average Americans simply want to put in their eight hours and go home to play a little ball with the kids…… All these new polls reveal is that the rest of America is waking up and had enough of being force fed this extremism at their families expense.