This is not true . . . I was very uncomfortable on the light rail from BWI airport to the Convention Center at the most recent Baltimore Show because a young gal was doing exactly that to her boyfriend on the train. I expressed dismay to a few of my colleagues at the show about how unacceptable such behavior is in public. So, don't go spewing off about how such criticism is reserved for the minority groups whose votes you liberals court . . . it isn't!
@JoeNation, posted: "Define simple common courtesy if you can. I'm not sure it isn't just doublespeak for discrimination but I'd like you to define it so I can be sure. You're right, I wouldn't want to sit and watch two people of any gender combination fondle each other in public but that really isn't the problem. I've seen far, far more heterosexuals do exactly that in my life than I have ever seen homosexuals doing but for some strange reason, it just doesn't receive the same public outcry until it is gay couples doing exactly what heterosexual couples do. You know that it is true whether you admit it or not. And even if gay couples cross some public PDA line, think about how much discrimination they've had to overcome. I can forgive them for going a little too far and just look away. It isn't about me. And it isn't about you either" YOU HAVE SOME NERVE ASKING ANOTHER MEMBER TO ANSWER A DIRECT QUESTION AND DEFINE SOMETHING! This is the typical behavior of an entitled, holier-than-thou, liberal democrat who spins, dances to the organ grinding fake media, and feels no obligation to answer direct questions to defend the ignorant crap they post. I hope your question is ignored! it's what you deserve as a non-engaging member. ________________________________________________________ I always wondered who ignorant entitled liberals thought they were.
You're pointing out a difference without a distinction. You're pretty much saying the same thing I just said but being confrontational about it. Next time you see something like this in public, try and mind your own business and try to realize that you don't own the public space and it doesn't have to cater to your discomforts. Well, that's a tall order for someone as entitled as you.
Yeah? And what about the little kids that ride on that train? You want to do something meaningful for society? Quit whining about pronouns, and get these in-your-face self-indulgents to indulge behind closed doors.
It's slways the little kids used as the excuse. We certainly can't allow them to see human affection. Letting the same little kids be blown apart with weapons of war in their elementary school classrooms is just fine though. Nobody believes your ilk gives a rats arse about kids.
It's not just about the kids . . . adults are offended by such behavior as well. Then, there are also the so-called adults, like yourself, who tolerate it for whatever reason . . . fantasy-based or otherwise. Believe what you want . . .
Why? There is no practical use for weapons like the AK-47's in society and even if there was, it wouldn't be worth the cost in dead kids.
Not interested in word games. This validates my argument. The facts speak for themselves regardless of how you want to qualify children's deaths. Children and teens are more likely to die by guns than anything else By Annette Choi, CNN Updated 8:41 AM EDT, Wed March 29, 2023 Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020. Firearms accounted for nearly 19% of childhood deaths (ages 1-18) in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wonder database. Nearly 3,600 children died in gun-related incidents that year. That's about five children lost for every 100,000 children in the United States. In no other comparable country are firearms within the top four causes of mortality among children, according to a KFF analysis. And you want to talk about definitions?
RED ALERT ; THIS IGNORANT SNOWFLAKE MEMBER LOVES TO QUOTE THE GUN GRABBING PROPAGANDA FROM THE FAKE LEFTIST MEDIA THAT IS TRYING TO DISARM AMERICAN CITIZENS: @JoeNation, posted: "]Not interested in word games. [NOT INTERSTED IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS FOM MEMBERS EITHER] This validates my argument. [IMO, you are not worthy to debate so argue with a mirror as posting with you is a waste of my time THAT I ENJOT] The [FAKE, BIASED "facks" used by the fake media to keep really very tupid folks ignorant] facts speak for themselves regardless of how you want to qualify children's deaths. Children and teens are more likely to die by guns than anything else By Annette Choi, CNN updated 8:41 AM EDT, Wed March 29, 2023 Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020. Firearms accounted for nearly 19% of childhood deaths (ages 1-18) in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wonder database. Nearly 3,600 children died in gun-related incidents that year. That's about five children lost for every 100,000 children in the United States. In no other comparable country are firearms within the top four causes of mortality among children, according to a KFF analysis. And you want to talk about definitions? NO JOE, I WANT YOU TO BECOME A USEFUL MEMBER AND ANSWER DIRECT QUESTIONS TO DEFEND THE IGNORANT MONKEY BUSINESS CRAP YOU DROP INTO EVERY DISCUSSION YOU POST IN! Why do you think the gun-grabbig CDC inclueds gang murders in their survey? DUH? _______________________________________________ An ignorant mind is a terrible thing to waste.