The current calling card of the left. Considering that we are a democratic republic and not a democracy I am left to wonder.... Democracy is a "mob rule" state of governing. The majority always wins.... So if we were truly a democracy, we wouldn't have to be tolerating rainbow rights, DEI and similar issues that counter common sense and morality, correct? Considering the majority of Americans fly the flag and call their children boys and girls, we could simply vote away the lunatic fringe if we were a true democracy. Perhaps the left needs to dust off their sixth grade social studies books before they open their big mouths about democracy.
Now how do you square that with the fact Republicans have only won the popular vote once since the 90s? Has the "silent majority" been mostly silent for 35 years?
It tells me that our founding fathers had divine wisdom to recognize that mediating the best parts of a democracy within the restraints of a republic would insure that all voices were equally as heard and not just the loudest.
Yes, I was just trying to dispel the illusion that conservatives are any kind of majority in the U.S.
Are you implying that flying the flag and calling our children boys and girls defines a person as a conservative??
But that is the point. If we were a true democracy, we the majority would not have these issues force fed to us. Majority always rules a democracy.
You can’t truly believe that the noisy fringe outnumbers the 9 to 5 mom, dad and two kids suburban families are you? I would buy that if it were inner cities and college campuses we were talking about… But that isn’t where most Americans live.
I do. If they were so unpopular, the party against them would have won more than 1 popular election in the last 30 years
I’m not speaking of Democrats and Republicans here. I am speaking traditional versus extreme here. Half the musicians in my church band are gay. They don’t fly rainbow flags. They fly American flags. It is the force feeding of extremes that have cut the legs out from under Bud Light and Target and the very fabric or this nation. No sir. The extremists are the noisy fringe. They are not the majority and are precisely the reason many people are losing the distaste they once held for Trump. Tradition is the foundation of any society and Americans are mourning the loss of grass roots values and tradition. This is no longer sustainable and thank heavens that people have realized that.
Clinton won 2 elections, but not by popular vote. Didn’t you mention the facts of convicts and “undocumented immigrants” aka, illegal aliens … Individuals that committed a felony according to the law are voting? Think maybe that might affect the numbers? There have been only a handful of cases in history where a president was elected and lost the popular vote in a two party race.
Who's to say? There's not really measurables there. What I can say is that although falling for the first time since 2015, support for "rainbow rights" is still largely a majority. Also, DEI initiatives still receive popular support by ~6 in 10 Americans. As for Trump, I think any loss of distaste for him is better attributed to recency bias and the ineptitude of Biden.
For the record, no I did not say that. I trust most people understood what I was saying, even if you couldn't. I'll leave this topic to the other thread though...
Really, Most people understand exactly everything you said. But we’ll leave this topic to the other thread.
I understand exactly what you have been saying. You obviously can’t be lead to water and then drink on your own. In the census all American citizens are to be counted regardless of age, criminal status or whatever grouping “you people” want to assign. AMERICAN CITIZENS! Period. Now what group wants illegals to freely come be counted in the census, and give them sanctuary???