Harris’s obsession with Trump has reached the point of outright fabrications. Or in other words, flat lies….. She made a big production yesterday of blathering on about how Trump will use the military against US citizens. An outright absurdity. This is “the sky is pink” sort of crap. Take a look at what I found today. Below is a snippet of DOD directive 5240.01. This was a 2007 directive amended and reissued 9/27/24 or three weeks ago. Take a good look at paragraph 3.3.C….. This is a paragraph authorizing the use of military lethality on Americans. Never before has such a bastardized version of the military ever been assumed or considered in our nation….. SHUT UP KAMALA. Your lies reek of a true turncoat. You and your entire Marxist wing absolutely disgust me. I bore arms so you could spout this crap. What have you done besides turn one against the other? And I thought Hillary was the devil incarnate…. Shut up.
How Fascist! It’s Trumps fault. He’s a Hitler unstable pos. Now remind me of what date Ole Yeller had the debate that showed the world that was mentally incompetent?
It just stuns me. Every bomb the left throws is a projection of their own actions. Every single one. How can half our nation be this blind? This election is coming dangerously close to a good versus evil election to my mind. How can we really live in a world where Tulsi Gabbard is on a terror watch list??? What the hell is going on here?
It’s been in the works for a long time. The Clinton years ( state and federal) was the height of the test run. This gave the progressives data on what is possible to get away with. It canvassed the electorate’s reaction, tested narratives with focus groups, assessed the intellect of voters after the media reports, and adjusted accordingly. The results have been exhibited by the media shifting far left knowing that the average voter, if properly educated by the (you have to have a college degree individuals) will be indoctrinated and likely to only react to “liberal” ideology. Hence the increasing emphasis on Marxist ideology. Remind me which party that has politicians wanting to restrict the first and second amendment?
I’ll bet a silver dollar that you won’t get a straight answer. No narrative has been developed by the machine to address this yet.
If he actually responds, we’ll not get anything substantial. As the increase in silver prices do to this administration’s policies I must pass on your bet, I hate to lose a worn out Morgan. Lol.
It's not new. It's also the same thing you've all been defending police for, for years. You shoot at the military, they can shoot you back. Do I like it in either case? No. But that's the country you live in and have for some time. https://www.cip.uw.edu/2024/10/18/rumors-defense-department-directive-5240-0 Also, it's rich to say I need a directive while literally sharing viral Facebook boomer conspiracy theories.
Not surprising.If you shoot at the police and they shoot back? You shoot at the Military and they shoot back? I guess the military should quit defending South Korea. If you shoot at most individuals, that aren’t woke people, they will shoot back. Now, if you want to be a coward and let someone attack you and your family and choose not to defend them…….
That's what I'm getting at though, that's all this directive is saying. It's not some crazy conspiracy even a new concept. It was just up for renewal.
I’ll have to research the “renewal” of a directive. If it is truly a directive, why would your favorite party that despises the police and military allow this “renewal”?
Perhaps spelled put differently, but like, did you assume they couldn't use lethal force on us? It's happened a good handful of times already. Also curious, why 2016? Why not the most recent update in 2020? Why not the original one in 2007? Why not the document it was adapted from that was made in the 80s?
The lethal force language was added in the most recent iteration dated three weeks ago. The out of context quote from Trump is a DOD directive implemented by the current POTUS administration.
If I may: 3.3.a.(2) (c). To clarify: It is at the discretion of SecDef. 3.3.a. (2) (a) MAY ALSO REQUIRE POTUS AUTHORIZATION. Again, GW, your failure to grasp the entirety of a legal document continues to astound me 1L: The document is read as a Whole. I would like to assist you with the basis and birth of the document, GW: POSSE COMITATUS. (You may not know the year of birth of this Law was 1878. It was derived from Charlemagne. Please tell me that you DO Know who that was and when he walked the Earth.....please). Clown.
Maybe spelled out more explicitly. But again, have you ever doubted the military could use lethal force on you?
Stupid Strawman. Have you ever doubted your wife or child or brother or sister or father or mother or neighbor or teacher or friend or cousin could use lethal force on YOU? THAT CONSTITUTES THE DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE MILITARY IN ANY LOCATION ON THE PLANET. Clown Truth in editing: changed a "P" to an "O". Can't put my finger on why that happened.
That isn't the point. My next door neighbor can use lethal force on me. The difference is he didn't draft it into law and then point the finger at me as though I were the danger.
I'm saying it was already law. As evidenced by the military using lethal force on Americans previously. And nobody is pointing the finger with this