Life on other planets and religion

Discussion in 'Religion' started by GeneWright, Sep 6, 2021.

  1. Profiler

    Profiler Well-Known Member

    Interesting interpretation of the scriptures. There is no scripture that proclaims the earth is the physical center of the universe. Remember, “ In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.” Many that want to use modern science to dismiss the Bible forget that the Old Testament comes from translations of the Hebrew Scriptures which were written between 1200-100 bce. The idea that the earth was flat was still a common belief in the time of Columbus and later. Few knew who Galileo was at the time the King James Version was being transcribed and written. Here’s something to look at:
  2. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    All scripture is interpretation. It has to be. It's fiction. Allegory meant to influence the masses. Written by countless individuals across hundreds if not thousands of years. All divinely inspired from God's lips to men's ears. I don't much care who wrote what when and for what reasons they wrote it. They were superstitious Bronze Age men that attributed everything they didn't understand to God.

    The point I was making was that if life is discovered elsewhere in the universe, God nor the bible made mention of any off-planet beings and it is highly unlikely that finding life or life finding us will sit well with the true believers. Since there in no mention of life outside of earth, scripture has an inherent flaw. You'd have to believe that God created everything else in the universe just so we would come along and attribute it to God. Seems like a waste of all that space.
  3. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Well-Known Member

    deluded people will always find a way to back themselves up with these silly religious books. thankfully the world is becoming more secular.
  4. yakpoo

    yakpoo Well-Known Member

    Regardless of your religious beliefs, a Christian society is hard to beat. ;)
    Mopar Dude likes this.
  5. Profiler

    Profiler Well-Known Member

    Ok Joe. What is your explanation? Big Bang, Oscillating, or Steady State Theories?
  6. yakpoo

    yakpoo Well-Known Member

    I guess God didn't want to give us too much info all at once.
    Mopar Dude likes this.
  7. clembo

    clembo Well-Known Member

    Unless you're one of the indigenous peoples that did fine without it.
  8. yakpoo

    yakpoo Well-Known Member

    Where does the Left get the notion that Native Americans were "golden retriever puppies frolicking in a meadow". Evidence shows that Indian tribes were warring with each other for thousands of years...with many tribes being particularly brutal.
  9. clembo

    clembo Well-Known Member

    No different than "Christian" Europeans. Christianity was not a "saving grace" for Native Americans.
  10. yakpoo

    yakpoo Well-Known Member

    As I've said can't judge the past without considering what came before it.
  11. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Well-Known Member

    excuse genocide often?
  12. yakpoo

    yakpoo Well-Known Member

    Whatever happens is the result of the equilibrium in society "at that time". You can't change the past, you can only hope to learn from it. Embrace the good and decry the bad.
    Mopar Dude likes this.
  13. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Well-Known Member


  14. yakpoo

    yakpoo Well-Known Member

    That's such a shame...
  15. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Well-Known Member

    send all the KKK and hitler statues to yakky. so he doesn't forgit history
  16. yakpoo

    yakpoo Well-Known Member

    I'll sell them on eBay. :cool: Seriously, though...

    The Civil War was fought over three (3) issues...Slavery, States' Rights, and Territorial Rights. By 1860, the economic system of slavery was on the decline and would have ended naturally. Slavery would have ended sooner and without conflict had it ended via Eminent Domain.

    "Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use. The Fifth Amendment provides that the government may only exercise this power if they provide just compensation to the property owners."

    The issue was less about slavery and more about States' Rights vs. Federal Power. From that perspective, Robert E. Lee continues to be held in high esteem. We're still debating the right of States to secede (Exit) from the United States should the Federal government overstep its bounds.

    This is the aspect of the Civil War that the Left is trying to write out of our history books.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
    Mopar Dude likes this.
  17. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    There isn't a liberal on this board or anywhere else that will acknowledge this. I live in the heart of the deep south and am fully steeped in its history. I just purchased mine and my wife's retirement home a stones throw from where the Harriet Tubman monument is being erected.... I am quite thankful that for the most part people in the deep south regard our history for what it is. Our monuments remain on the state house grounds as do General Sherman's cannonball strikes. All these over-educated libs simply want to regard us as rubes and rednecks.... I absolutely love it when I get one of them on the phone with me at my office. I will put on my thickest southern drawl shtick and play them like a ten pound bass. They never know what hit them until they receive my invoice.
    Profiler and yakpoo like this.
  18. yakpoo

    yakpoo Well-Known Member

    Something like this could happen again today. What happens if the Federal government declares fossil fueled vehicles illegal...or at least illegal to drive on federally funded roads. It could happen.
  19. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    Believe me... I know that. The democratic party in this nation has somehow convinced all the liberal sheep out there that they should place all of their eggs in the federal basket. It has been the most impressive brainwashing event of my lifetime and is only rivaled by the Nazi party of the 1930's.
    yakpoo likes this.
  20. yakpoo

    yakpoo Well-Known Member

    It's shocking...and couldn't be possible without the MSM and social media censorship. Even comedy has been weaponized. I rarely missed an episode of the Colbert Report when it was on.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
    Mopar Dude likes this.

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