But, many years ago, I saw one that I agreed with so completely, I bought it and stuck it on proudly. I would be walking into a store or some other establishment and inevitably someone would stop me and compliment me on the sentiment. It said... Don't pray in my school and I won't think in your church.
Just as silly and unnecessarily derisive. I don't care, and the politics stuff doesn't move me. I do, though, continue to have the same thought of concern of trust in your ability to have the 3/6/9 of anyone. At the moment, I'm thinking the odds are not in your favor.
They tend to discourage that kind of thing in the Lord's house. Besides, other than being raised in a Catholic school, I haven't darkened the doorstep of a church in a long time.
I was brought up in the Methodist, then Congregational church. I really didn't pay very close attention. Church seemed like a country club. Most of my friends at school went to my church and there were a lots of activities. Church had a children's portion and an adult portion. We would head to Sunday School at intermission. I really liked our Minister's 1st half sermon. Each week, the minister would select a moral theme and his sermon was a very interesting tale spun around the theme. It was like story-time. Anyway, I enjoyed the stories.
I don’t know, Joe…. I rather see it like a sticker on my car that says, If you don’t attend my church you will burn in hell”…. What’s the term they use these days? Passive aggressive? I think that’s the one…. I was following a car the other week. On the bumper he had a sticker that said, “In God We Trust”…. On his back window was a giant sticker that said, “Screw U”…. I wondered if the driver wanted to pray with me or fight me…. But the way I see things is that folks are just wound up so danged tight these days, I sure don’t see the need in offering up something else for them to get wound up about. Just might push them over the edge and I would rather not be there when they do… Just my take.