Politics, Religion, and World Events

Discussion in 'Religion' started by Moen1305, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. Moen1305

    Moen1305 Not Republican!

    For my 500th post (or so) I’d like to pose the question; Has the party of Lincoln become the party of Theocracy? How has the Bush administration transformed the Grand Old Party into a precursor for the Republic of the United States to become the United States of Almighty God? Are these the modern day Crusades?
  2. craigG

    craigG New Member

    Of course not! Bush has been dragging our country farther and farther away from Christianity(not that the Crusades were Christian), no matter how much he blathers on about his alleged belief in God. He praises Islam so much that maybe he is one. Anyway, the U.S used to be a Christian nation, so your question isn't a valid one.
  3. De Orc

    De Orc Well-Known Member

    I would imagine that there are some who would openly welcome a christian Theocracy, but I doubt very much if the American public would embrace it en mass :smile Craig if you dont think the US is a christian country, can I ask what you think it is?
    I would say that the UK is still predominantly Protistant in it's outlook.

    De Orc :kewl:
  4. Stu Joe

    Stu Joe New Member

    Someone needs to quickly create a 1000 day calendar and market to liberals so they can therapeutically mark the days off until the next President takes office. It might help alleviate some of the drama and hand wringing the Democratic party has been experiencing. ;)

    However, don't blame the Republicans if you guys allow your party primary radicals to nominate Hillary and lose all chance of winning the next election too.
  5. Moen1305

    Moen1305 Not Republican!

    It's funny, I'm not nearly as concerned with which party wins the next election as I am concerned about the right "religious" movement that has taken control of the current political dialog of this country. It has taken root in the Republican party that is for sure, but it is the Republicans that have been in the party for decades that are some of the loudest critics of the direction their party is headed. Moderate Republican voices are being shut out and replaced with ultra-conservative Neocons.

    I consider the check and balance system for this type of movement to be the Democratic party and they have been all but ineffective and absent without leave. I heard a scary statistic that said 45% of Bush supporters polled believe that Armageddon is almost upon us and the antichrist is already present on earth. These are the folks that are influencing the domestic and foreign policy of this administration and our country as a whole.

    Its going to take a lot more than a 1000 day calendar to make me comfortable with these types of superstiscious religious zealots trying to use this country as their own personal ark to the after-life. Our focus has been so misdirected and our attention so divided that they operate at will with the support of many that don't even know what it is they are supporting. The conversation we should be having is lost in finger pointing, labelling, and denial and an ever widening gap of consensus and common ground. If I was a worrier, this type of thing would keep me awake at night.
  6. Cloudsweeper99

    Cloudsweeper99 New Member

    Moen, I like your post except for one thing. You use the phrase "ultra-conservative Neocons." The neocons aren't ultra-conservative. They aren't even conservative. They are basically a group whose core beliefs are the use of the military to expand American power throughout the world, continuation/resurrection of the cold war, which they deeply miss, unconditional support for Israel against her enemies, economic corporatism [as opposed to real capitalism], and domination of Congress by the Executive branch. Their approach to religion and social issues appears to be opportunistic. They will pretty much go with whatever keeps them in power, and that means pandering to the religious right. For now they have hijacked the GOP, but there is a battle behind the scenes to win back the party. The outcome is uncertain, but if it gets nasty enough Hillary will be the next president.
  7. Danr

    Danr New Member

    Any time I hear an Evangelical suggest prayer in school I say great lets start with the Hail Mary prayer. The result is usually quite funny (they say something that adds up to I meant MY prayer not YOURS). As for the "Christian nation" thing that is what Judas had in mind (you need to reread that Bible of yours Craig).:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
  8. Andy

    Andy Well-Known Member

    Moen and Danr by keeping down the non-muslim religions, protraying Islam as being cool and a religion of love and between the void of suppressing jewish and christian churchs and rights mixed with the open muslim aggression there will be no christians to fear in the future but you will have school prayer for your grandchildren and it will be three times a day without counting religious instruction in the Koran classes. Of course there will also be no women's rights, slavery will be in practice, etc...in the then USA or then known as The United Sunni's of America.
  9. KLJ

    KLJ Really Smart Guy

    Danr, you might want to reread that Bible too. The "Hail Mary" is not a prayer. It comes from the Gospel of Luke (the root is more apparent in the original Koine Greek) and is simply an angel giving a divine "hello" to Mary (which is why the official name of "Hail Mary" is the Angelic Salutation). For humanity to turn it into a prayer is humanity raising itself up to an equality with God. That's a violation, by the way, of Exodus 20:3.
  10. Stu Joe

    Stu Joe New Member

    I just don't see a re-religification of the US. In fact, I think our constant slide in the abyss of moral relativism continues unabated.
  11. Moen1305

    Moen1305 Not Republican!

    You are correct and I did give the term Neocon a bit less consideration than I should have but I was probably focussed on the tool more than the tool user while considering my "rant". I don't see the Bush administration as the brains behind this movement or the opportunist Neocons. I see them as more of the tool of those that wish to take this country in a direction any sane person would want to avoid.
    I think we need to put severe new restrictions on politically active religious groups in this country. They need to stay out of the political arena or lose their tax-free status and if they are caught trying to influence the political dialog, they should face fines. I know that the freedom of religion guaranteed by our constitution would be challenged at all levels of government but I feel and hope that a cultural backlash is coming. We need freedom from religion more that we need freedom of religion in my opinion.
  12. Cloudsweeper99

    Cloudsweeper99 New Member

    Danr, those are two very good points!

    KLJ, the Hail Mary is a prayer for Roman Catholics, as is the Rosary.
  13. Moen1305

    Moen1305 Not Republican!

    I think Islam is just as stupid and maybe more so than most organized religions on this planet. Opiate of the masses and all that.
  14. Moen1305

    Moen1305 Not Republican!

    Really! If you can't see the religious influences in the vilifying of Hollywood, the FCC restrictions, the head long rush to ban abortion by a conservative supreme court, and the rabid stem cell research restrictions happening in our country today, you just ain't looking very hard my friend. You are thinking exactly what they want you to think which is that they are the victims and not the oppressors. Their morals and beliefs are not mine and yet I am being forced to live in a country more and more dominated by their beliefs. We all know what happens when a theocracy takes hold of a country. Look at the Middle East. Look at the Catholic Church throughout history and its crusades and inquisitions. We don't need any religious group telling us what we should and have to believe in this country. It should be our choice and that is exactly what we are being deprived of; The choice.
    I understand if you don’t see this as I do or chose not to believe what is happening. I think we are entering some new and pretty scary territory and I wouldn’t expect many people to see something as covert as this coming at them. None the less, any country has to aware of the enemies that come from within as well as the enemies that come from abroad. When you believe God is on your side, you become a very scary individual capable of anything.
  15. OldDan

    OldDan New Member

    That is exactly what I've been trying to tell you Moen. Glad you finally realized it, before it's too late.:secret:
  16. Moen1305

    Moen1305 Not Republican!

    Yeah! But I wasn't just referring to Muslims. I mean ALL religions. How 'bout you?
  17. Danr

    Danr New Member

    Obviously you are not Catholic. My point was that those who want prayer in school tend to want only THEIR prayer. The reread the Bible comment was aimed at the notion of a Christian gov't and as you know it was Judas who wanted that.
    As for the Hail Mary prayer this book offers a good defence of the Mary side of the faith.

    I know that it is easier to spout McTheology than to actually read and learn about it but this book will help you see where the Catholic church is coming from if you care to know.
  18. Stu Joe

    Stu Joe New Member

    religious influences in the vilifying of Hollywood, the FCC restrictions,

    If believing that the entertainment industry has cheapened our society and made us less civilized over the last few decades is a religious cause, I had better start going to Church.

    the head long rush to ban abortion by a conservative supreme court,

    I just haven't seen any headlong rush, I guess. Consevative justices being appointed by a conservative President elected by the people is just the way our government works. There will be test cases as there are in many areas all the time. But, I do not think abortion will change much as a result of the make up of the current court.

    and the rabid stem cell research restrictions happening in our country today,

    Even the medical community understands that there are often moral issues regarding new technologies that arise faster than our ability to decide if they are appropriate. The fact that our society is still struggling with this in Stem Cell Research is not surprising or alarming to me. Nor the fact that we are struggling with human cloning, etc either.

    I just don't think the things we are seeing are that dramatic and Machavelian. And I also believe it only takes one election to change things that are not what the country wants as a whole.
  19. Moen1305

    Moen1305 Not Republican!

    O.K. Now you've convinced me to get a 1000 day calendar
  20. Stu Joe

    Stu Joe New Member

    :D Truely, though, our Presidential term limit is one of the smartest things we ever did as a country.

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