Putin's Kharkiv offensive utter failure!

Discussion in 'World Events' started by John Kamps, Jun 23, 2024.

  1. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    Russian terrorists are being bled out by Ukraine's better trained/ commanded/ technologically advance armed forces. Since that Russian sneak attack of 2022/ 525K Russians off the battlefield/ 8K+ tanks/ 15K armored carriers/ 17K artillery guns/ 400+ aircraft....
    Attrition is 8-1/ personel/ 5-1 materiel/ all excellent.
    Russian lawmakers in their Duma are not happy and are advocating use of tactical nukes vs Ukraine. Of course this is just more bravado and bluff since even these dimwits know that doing that would get NATO involved/ and every Russian inside Crimea/ Ukraine would be toast.
    The ONLY way this war can end is with the total destruction of Putin and his criminal regime. So Mr. Biden give Ukraine longer range missiles to wipeout ALL Russian aircraft/ airfields/ and block all Russian shipping from useing the Baltic Sea/ which is now NATO.
  2. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    I'm not an advocate of war, but since this war is already underway, and since weakening the Russian military also weakens Iranian, North Korean and Chinese abilities to depend upon Russia as a military ally in their own aspirations, I'm all for it, BUT, only if the feds immediately fund the complete replenishment of all weapons / munitions already drawn down from our military and those they have committed to drawing down going forward.

    We are going to need them.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2024
    John Kamps and Profiler like this.

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