R.I.P. Jimmy Carter

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CoinOKC, Dec 29, 2024.

  1. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    The world lost a good man today. Rest in peace, Mr. President.
    Swim4Life and Mopar Dude like this.
  2. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    He was president when I entered the Army. Whatever one may feel about his politics, there is no denying the man certainly lived a life of servitude.
    Swim4Life and CoinOKC like this.
  3. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    While he was far from being one of our better presidents, I still feel a great sense of loss. I will not feel that way when Joe Biden passes :oops:.
    Swim4Life and CoinOKC like this.
  4. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    There is sound reason for that. While Carter may have not been a very effective leader, his service was sincere and was truly for the people. Biden’s service was for Biden and Biden alone. It isn’t natural to feel loss for the self serving among us.
    toughcoins, Swim4Life and CoinOKC like this.
  5. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    I agree with all the sentiments above. I believe Carter was a very ineffectual president, but there's no denying that he was a humanitarian and a good person at heart. He made a lot of mistakes as president (for instance, the Panama Canal decision and the pardoning of draft dodgers), but I think he tried to do well, at least.
    Mopar Dude and Swim4Life like this.
  6. Swim4Life

    Swim4Life Well-Known Member

    A buddy of mine texted me about the passing of Jimmy Carter. The first words out of my mouth was, 'horrible President, incredible humanitarian'. He'll absolutely be missed as a phenomenal human being. We should all possess and be able to offer his level of servitude.

    RIP President Carter
    toughcoins, Mopar Dude and CoinOKC like this.

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