So We Can Pray With Our Kids At A Ballgame

Discussion in 'Religion' started by Mopar Dude, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. GeneWright

    GeneWright Well-Known Member

    Are you really unable to talk about safety and sportsmanship without bringing your creator into it?

    I do truly believe that, just for the record.

    Yes, I don't think a utilitarian approach is appropriate for children.

    I'm a very neutral example too as someone without faith. I believe there's a commandment about not praying to other Gods, idolatry. Let's flip the scenario and pretend Christianity isn't the dominant majority, and it's actually rare to be a Christian. Now imagine your kid is on a team and the coach leads them in a prayer that by definition is a sin for them to participate in. Do you see the problem with majority rule here?

    I just feel like there has to be a way to do this without invoking beliefs in a higher power. Maybe that seems overly obvious to me as someone who has never believed in a higher power. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Mopar Dude likes this.
  2. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Knew a guy. Atheist. Took a K50 Round. Blood Runner called for Chaplain. Asked if any message for family.
    Tell wife and son I love them, and make sure to say their prayers every night.

    Apropos of exactly nothing, in this New World of 2022.
    toughcoins, CoinOKC and Mopar Dude like this.
  3. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    And one kid, maybe more, feeling like they don't belong. Why is that OK for you when all you'd have to do is drop your private crusade and be inclusive of all? You don't even see that you are ignoring some poor kid(s) in order to push your religious agenda. Why are you so damn intent on indoctrinating every one of these kids into your beliefs? What's wrong with you? What do you get out of this scenario? It seems a little cult-like to many of us. Here is some advice you are unlikely to take. KEEP IT IN YOUR CHURCH WHERE IT BELONGS!

    Proselytizing is the worst aspect of some of these extreme religions.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2022
  4. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    I don’t know what traditions your family may or may not have observed so I’ll use myself as an example. Growing up in a broken home, my mother was seldom at home. She worked all day and schooled all night trying do make something of herself. As a result, the vast majority of my “kid” information came from my running buddies…… I knew Santa Claus was a fantasy from my very earliest years. But that did not mean I didn’t find comfort in the fact that Christmas morning I might find a new model car kit under the Christmas tree…. However you choose to interpret prayer, at its core a prayer is nothing more than comforting words…. Granted I’m sure there are folks out there that carry it to some extreme or another, but to 99% of the people that pray, these are simply words of comfort…. Now I happen to believe that in this fast paced and often impersonal world we live in that comforting words with a positive message are important to 8-9 year old kids. Many of these kids go home to broken homes like I did as a kid. They need a positive message. The tool I used to give that message is a very informal prayer……. Anyway, when the season was cut short two years ago by Covid I chose to retire my coaches hat so this is my first year away from the kids and red dirt so it’s a non-issue in my life anymore. And oddly, just a few months back one of my kids invited me to his wedding. The young man was now a 6’4” highway patrolman. Lord he was a handsome young man…. He hugged my like a bear when he saw that I came…. I am satisfied that I did the right thing by those boys.
    CoinOKC and GeneWright like this.
  5. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    Such a pleasant fellow. I’ll refer you to my post above that was apparently being authored at the same time you were showing your rage.
    CoinOKC likes this.
  6. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    Yes, pointing out the folly of your logic must be rage not sound logic that you can't hear.
  7. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    I always chuckle about the utterings of persons hastening to proudly share their non-religious status, and then use straw man examples to support their exalted status.

    Communism is a Religion.
    Atheism is a Religion.
    Socialism is a Religion.
    Marxism is a Religion.

    All are practiced as fervently as the person that practices Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islamism, Buddhism, Confucianism, or Wikiism.
    CoinOKC likes this.
  8. GeneWright

    GeneWright Well-Known Member

    I like that, and can see where you're coming from. Frankly, if you know the kids and their families, I don't see any issue with it. It didn't work for me with my coach, but he was a bit more extreme and didn't try to know us as people. I still think a hard separation is most proper, but it seems it can be done beneficially too.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and perspective on it, I know you mean the best for those kids when you have comforted and encouraged them using prayer.
    CoinOKC, Robert Ransom and Mopar Dude like this.
  9. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    Here is the way I see it. I see it the same way the Right sees 18+ year-olds going off to college and getting indoctrinated by becoming educated. At least 18-year-olds have the maturity to decide for themselves what they are being told is valid or just hogwash. These poor little impressionable kids don't have the intellectual maturity to differentiate between religious dogma and truth.

    However, the same people that will decry higher education as just indoctrinating our youth will pivot on a dime to defend people like you indoctrinating much younger kids into your own version of God. You can't have it both ways without tripping face-first over your own hypocrisy and the only real difference is that you believe in this religion of your and you don't believe in education.

    If it wasn't for your polar opposite positions on these two identical situations, I wouldn't give a crap what you told these kids. But I can't abide the blatant self-righteousness and holier than thou BS on display here. If you can't see this point, you are simply further gone than even I thought you were.

    PS White evangelicals are only 14% of the country and I'm guessing that number is decreasing.
  10. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    Ok. Fine… You made your point. For the record, this old man hasn’t indoctrinated anyone. Also for the record the only reason I returned to those ball fields long after I had kids playing was because the parents of those kids (all educated adults by the way) pleaded with me to return year after year because of what I meant to their boys. Once again, you are coming off as the lunatic fringe here. I’m beginning to see a pattern.
    CoinOKC, Robert Ransom and Profiler like this.
  11. Profiler

    Profiler Well-Known Member

    Really, 18 year olds have maturity to decide for themselves except for buying alcohol, tobacco, or firearms. They obviously must be competent or your type wouldn’t have reverted to preK -12 indoctrination on the climate change, LBGT, and CRT. How come a 18 year old can die for this country, but can’t buy a beer? Many 18 yr olds (and younger) died just so you can run your mouth.
    Edit, Grammar.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2022
    CoinOKC, Robert Ransom and Mopar Dude like this.
  12. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    And what of your insistence that kids who do not believe in homosexuality or transgenderism should have to use the addressee-preferred pronouns and avoid those most intuitive to them? What of kids who do not wish to learn the teacher-preferred version of history or morality or ethics, as opposed to those they learned at home?

    Tell me about one kid you know who felt like he / she belonged in every situation he / she found himself / herself in. That kid does not exist.

    As kids, we all have doubts . . . we all get uneasy in one situation or another. It's a part of life. The sooner that helicopter parents come to grips with that fact, the more well-adjusted their kids will grow up. Bumping our heads, skinning our knees and elbows, learning to ignore the insecure insults of others, and overcoming our own insecurities is what prepares us for adulthood. Sheltering kids from those experiences leaves them ill-prepared for what lies ahead.

    Evidently, you feel it is undesirable to be able to grapple with life's cruelties on one's own . . .

    Of all of the areas over which I have concern, most serious is the indoctrination of our children in K-12 by the teacher's union. Why? Because, unlike playing football or going to college, participation in that environment is mandated by law, and because those ". . . poor little impressionable kids don't have the intellectual maturity to differentiate between . . ." socialist ". . . dogma and truth."

    Nice of you to skip right over that @JoeNation . . . as if it would go unnoticed!
    CoinOKC, Robert Ransom and Mopar Dude like this.
  13. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    You can ask any veteran. I am one. I would pick up arms again so that he and others like him can verbally run me in the ground. It’s alright. I can lay my head down tonight proud of the life I have led in the service of others.
    CoinOKC, Robert Ransom and Profiler like this.
  14. Profiler

    Profiler Well-Known Member

    Combat is something that the JNs of the world will never comprehend. They exist, like you and I, only because of the brave that came before us. The left knows nothing about bleeding on the battlefield for the rights (of those you wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire) just so they can complain about the way we provided them an existence.
    CoinOKC, Robert Ransom and Mopar Dude like this.
  15. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    I have never ever even referred to you returning to the ballfields in any context in any post you can point to, so I am unsure why you are defending yourself for this practice at all. I guess we're at the point in the conversation when wandering off on tangents is all that is left to do. That, and the clown car full of attention starved children feeling the need to chime in and spout off on some cherry-picked sentence for their own self-gratification. I don't know, all these threads seem to end this way for some reason.

    For the record, even if you can't see your religious views as indoctrinating preteen kids, there are those of us that have no problem seeing it for what it is. I don't think that you're a bad person for this practice. No, far from it. You truly believe in what you are doing I have no doubt, but so do those that educate young minds to critically think for themselves that are oft scorned by the Right-wing.

    I try to see all sides of most issues. I may not agree with both sides, but I am certainly aware of what each side is saying. That practice often alerts me to inconsistencies in the approaches taken by one side or the other and in this case, the inconsistencies are pretty stark.
  16. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    I'm interested in knowing what sentence you think I cherry-picked to gratify myself, oh Master-debator.
  17. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    The reason is simple. They deteriorate from a debate between thoughtful people to an attack and ultimately, self preservation. All are guilty and it is a case study in what is broken in our country today.
    Robert Ransom likes this.
  18. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    And yet, we all keep participating. I think motivation is key here. If it is so broken, what is the motivation to continue? What do people get out of it?
  19. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    Oh, that’s too easy . . . We hope to bring you to your senses.
    CoinOKC and Mopar Dude like this.
  20. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    "We", or just you, believe that you possess the truth? Arrogance is the first step towards ruin.

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