Just jotting down some rules here. 1. No childish name-calling. 2. No referencing other members in your signature. 3. No swearing or pornographic imagery.
Is "cotton headed ninny muggins!" considered childish name calling or aldutish name calling? You're really pushing it here Peter. After all, you're basically asking everyone here to act like adults. GASP!
Them be fighting words. I would respond in kind but that would be unkind and be breakin the rules. Actually, thanks Peter for posting the rules of social discourse that you wish members to engage in here at your websight. I needed the reminder. If I got close to crossing the lines with any images I copied and posted it was due to no disrespect and happy that you have this websight for me to pop in and out of over the years.
I thought PRWE was for the kids of Cointalk that don't play well with others? Now we have to play nice here too? That's too much Order! We need Chaos! Ribbit