Ukraine is now taking the fight to Russians

Discussion in 'World Events' started by John Kamps, Aug 6, 2022.

  1. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    Russian invaders thought they could conquer Ukraine in 48 hours/ now 5 1/2 months later.....

    They were crushed in Kviv/ lost the fight for Kharkov. In the South they are ready to retake Kherson in coming weeks. From there they can hit Sevastopol/ Crimea. Putin now is sending his troops drom Donbas to reinforce Kherson. Meanwhile Ukraine is hitting enemy supply bases/ ammo dumps with US missiles. Now there is talk of Chechens joining Ukraine. Hopefully, more ethnic populations in Russian Federation will seek independence from Russian tyranny/ and in process the whole house of cards will fall apart/ leaving Putin out of work.....AGAIN.
    CoinOKC, Robert Ransom and LucyRay like this.
  2. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Whatever it takes to defeat that damned communist Putin is great news.
    Robert Ransom and John Kamps like this.
  3. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Cautiously optomistic.

    Putin is running low on troops so he is hiring mercenaries.
    John Kamps likes this.
  4. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    I can think of some perfectly useless FBI agents we could send him . . . two birds with one stone.
  5. Profiler

    Profiler Well-Known Member

    Sounds like we may have an additional 87,000 new useless government employees we can send also. Three birds?
    John Kamps, CoinOKC and Robert Ransom like this.
  6. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    I am not certain that using incarcerated citizens and non-citizens, including convicted murderers, can be labeled as mercenaries. My definition of these Souls is Cannon Fodder.

    I think the Soviet Union Commanders stole the idea from the U.S, via viewing The Dirty Dozen.
    John Kamps and Robert Ransom like this.
  7. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Cautiously optomistic.

    John Kamps likes this.
  8. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    The Ukrainians hit a military base in Crimea/ Putin claims it was an accidental mishap;) Just like Stalin lied about battlefield looses in WW2/ Putin is going by same playbook. In this War/ Russia is all alone in a total war vs Ukraine. The thug from Belarus certainly will not attack Ukraine/ he knows NATO will flatten him and Belarus. Most of Putin's invasion forces have been killed/ wounded/ deserted/ or taken as POWS. My bet is that many ethnic populations in Russia will seek independence from the Russian Federation and there will be open conflicts everywhere. This hopefully will result in the end for Putin and his criminal govt./ the destruction of Russia. Xi must be worried......
    Robert Ransom likes this.
  9. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    As long as the communist government is in control of internet traffic within China, Xi won’t be too worried.

    Once they lose control of communication, it’s only a matter of time. Unfortunately, they have pretty much a stranglehold on communications within their borders . . . Much like liberals do here in the states.
    CoinOKC and John Kamps like this.
  10. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    Another set of attacks inside Crimea/ also in Russia. Experts say that a coup is in the works to get rid of Putin and his cabale. They say this could lead to a Civil War and end of Russian Federation. Best thing, NATO did not have to fire a shot......

    On yeah/ I remember back in late Feb. when the whole World turned their back on Ukraine/ thinking it would be totally defeated in 48 hrs.:eek:

    Lots of WW2 wehrmacht vets are cheering on the Ukraine:) Ronald Reagan is probably doing the same from Heaven.
    Mopar Dude likes this.
  11. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    In last 72 hours the Ukrainian army has taken back 6000 sq. miles of their Country back from the Russian invaders. Most of this counteroffensive took place around Kharkiv and Kherson. Russian losses were high/ they even left equipment behind.
    There are signs of revolts in Georgia/ hopefully the evil Russian Federation will unravel/ leaving Putin with little to rule.
    CoinOKC likes this.
  12. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    The mimicking of Cambodia mass Graves (and no, I have not forgotten the Nazi love of same) proves once again the Communist methodology of War. It never changes. Never.
    John Kamps and CoinOKC like this.
  13. What U ignore

    What U ignore Thread KILLER

    I would be shocked if the Putin/China/Iran group loses Putin.
    John Kamps likes this.
  14. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Let's also not forget that the -edited- communist Stalin produced more graves than Hitler. Come to think of it, I've never known a communist (or socialist) worth a damn.
    John Kamps and charley like this.
  15. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Exactly my point. The communists never commit the atrocities out of some perceived political ideology. The communists do so because the communists like doing so. Their self worth is based on wanton killing.
    John Kamps and CoinOKC like this.
  16. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    ...and, instilling fear of same in those to be killed. It is communist ejaculation.

    Truth in editing: changed "by" to "in".
    John Kamps and CoinOKC like this.
  17. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Yes and the communist Putin has reinforced that fact.

    Putin is a communist from the old USSR, plain and simple. Why anyone in the U.S. would follow an ideology of communism or socialism is beyond me.
    John Kamps and charley like this.
  18. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    In the "Black Book of Communism" they estimated Mao was responsible for 100M deaths/ most from bad policies/ famine/ executions/ death in GULAGS. Stalin/ Lenin/ Trotsky/ Kaganovich/ Yagoda/ Beria/ Ezhov/ Bhoklin murdered 60+M in USSR/ Pol Pot and his murderous Khmer Rouge killed millions in very short time.

    Think of this/ Mao is still worshipped in China/ also he is on their banknotes.
    CoinOKC likes this.
  19. Profiler

    Profiler Well-Known Member

    Mao is worshipped by many leftist here in the US. Anyone remember Anita Dunn, yet another Obama sycophant recycled into the current regime?
    John Kamps and CoinOKC like this.
  20. freshmeat

    freshmeat Can't touch this

    Remember when tRumpy praised Putin for being a genius - getting Ukraine for 2 dollars in sanctions?

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