What Happened To Weird?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mopar Dude, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    A week after Vance was announced as Trumps running mate, he was deemed “weird”. It was everywhere all at once. We all sat up straight in our seats and looked at Walz, Schumer and Pelosi and said WHAT?!?! And just as rapidly as it was everywhere, it disappeared.

    But it occurs to me the number of tag lines over the last year… Trump is Hitler, threat to democracy, existential threat, etc…. All these tag lines appear and are everywhere all at once so I wanna know….. Is there some underground Democrat talking point highway? Or do they all just parrot what one or the other has said?
  2. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    They all get prepped by the same attack dog coordinator . . . bursting onto the scene en masse with the same new talking points simultaneously so as to have maximum impact.
    Mopar Dude likes this.
  3. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Yeah, they were trying anything that might stick. Unfortunately for them, it DIDN’T stick but not for lack of trying. Calling someone “weird” is a two-way street as they quickly discovered. They’ve only recently minimized the “Hitler” and “existential threat” crap because some leftie lunatics believed it was true and tried to assassinate Trump. Stupid morons…….
    Mopar Dude likes this.
  4. GeneWright

    GeneWright Well-Known Member

    Weird was caught in the zeitgeist, and was allowed to die once it's time passed. It served it's purpose. The only one who brings it up still is Trump himself when he gets insecure and feels the need to go "Nuh uh I'm not weird, they're weird." Everyone else has moved on but he can't read the room.

    It's still true they're weird, but there's no need to keep pounding the point because everyone already knows.
  5. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    I truly want to know if there is some backroom handshake or something going on here…. Today we all call Vance weird. Tomorrow Trump is Hitler….. It is astounding that whatever the catchphrase of the day is that it spreads faster than Covid on steroids. Surely all the team pundits can’t be so unimaginative that they all just parrot what they hear. Or can they?
  6. GeneWright

    GeneWright Well-Known Member

    Nah, no backroom, just the ability to read the front room. It's like memes, popular today gone tomorrow. There have been attempts to try to create memes for marketing purposes (some quite successfully) but to really take off it has to be organic.

    "Weird" just resonated well with enough of the population to take off. If you'll recall, it started as an off remark by Walz in a 10 second clip from a much longer interview that went viral.
  7. Profiler

    Profiler Well-Known Member

    I know it will be extremely difficult but you should watch Morning Joe on MSNBC every morning and you’ll get the TPM’s (talking point memos) that will be repeated by every leftist politician, leftist “journalist” and every “expert” that they have as guests. Then you can look online sites and see all the regurgitation by devout liberals and the low intelligence community. The daily montage is readily available.
    CoinOKC, Swim4Life and What U ignore like this.
  8. What U ignore

    What U ignore Thread KILLER

    Is that what your daddy told you? Now that's weird.
  9. What U ignore

    What U ignore Thread KILLER

    I like it when conservative talk radio plays each of them. As Rush said. If you miss ABC, watch NBC. If you miss NBC, watch CBS' if you miss CBS, watch CNN. The all say the sane thing while tripping over words to rearrange them to appear independent.

    All anyone needs to know is how corrupt the lying democrat media is. Over time, their lies get exposed yet the dummies still believe the latest fake news.
    Profiler and Swim4Life like this.
  10. GeneWright

    GeneWright Well-Known Member

    I'd recommend reading Herman and Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent. It demonstrates how there's actually no need for organized talking points or a man behind the curtain.

    In short, information is passed through various filters that cause it converge to similar outcomes, no collusion needed. It's a bit dated since it uses examples from the 80's back, but the principles hold up well.
  11. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    Manufacturing Consent merely serves as the mechanism of delivery. It still requires a coordinator to ensure the message meshes with the agendas of the media outlets so that they are working in unison . . . TMBTC, whether an individual or a committee, is for real.
  12. GeneWright

    GeneWright Well-Known Member

    That's the point of the book, it does not require a coordinator.
  13. Swim4Life

    Swim4Life Well-Known Member

    They're all independent thinkers, reporters and journalists, as depicted here.....

    charley, Mopar Dude and CoinOKC like this.
  14. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Oh, if that were only true! Behold:

    Nancy Pelosi snaps at Tapper for playing clip of Trump criticizing Harris: 'Why would you even cover that?'

    'Let‘s not even talk about the silliness of it all and the weirdness of it all, on the assault on women that it is,' the former House speaker said

    September 25, 2024

    Former Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi scolded CNN host Jake Tapper for playing a clip of former President Trump criticizing the vice president during an interview Tuesday.

    Tapper said he's heard from progressive and Democratic voters who want the media to cover Trump's "cognitive problems" as much as they did President Biden's and asked for Pelosi's reaction to Trump talking about it.

    He then played a clip of Trump saying on Tuesday, "They laugh at us all over the world. They're laughing at us. And you know what they’re really laughing at? Kamala, because they can't believe that she's going to be president. They can‘t believe- You talk about cognitive problems? She's got bigger cognitive problems that [Biden] has, in my opinion."

    The news host then summarized, "Donald Trump saying that Kamala Harris has bigger cognitive problems than Joe Biden."

    "Why would you even cover that?" Pelosi demanded. "This is a person who‘s not on the level. He is their nominee for president. He is incompetent. Let‘s not even talk about the silliness of it all, and the weirdness of it all, on the assault on women that it is."

    After the former House speaker criticized Trump for a litany of issues, including, "The worst job creation record of any president since Herbert Hoover," Tapper interjected.

    "Because of COVID, yes," he said.

    What U ignore and charley like this.
  15. GeneWright

    GeneWright Well-Known Member

    Sinclair is a conservative group by the way. They call these "must run" segments, and a recent high profile one had local stations attacking Biden on his age.

    Though I hadn't really considered this example and I'll cede @toughcoins is right, at least in some cases there is a group calling the shots and feeding scripts. It's just not a leftist group as you all might suspect.
  16. Swim4Life

    Swim4Life Well-Known Member

    Of course the left is attacking Biden on his age. The left also strutted Biden onto the debate stage as their sacrificial lamb. They knew very well he wasn't capable of winning the election. He wasn't capable of remaining lucid for 4.5 years. So they threw him to the wolves knowing he was going to be eaten alive. It was their only way to get him off the ticket and put someone, anyone, on the campaign trail that had a modicum of hope to beat President Trump.

    So those media outlets running the fluff, we all already know that segment, the damage is already done, piece, is nothing more than their attempt at the illusion they are being fair, equitable, and honest in their reporting negatives about both Biden and President Trump. There's only one side of the aisle that's buying that narrative. I'll let you decide which side that is. Here's a hint, it doesn't start with an R or C.
    charley likes this.
  17. GeneWright

    GeneWright Well-Known Member

    Sinclair is famously conservative, and pro-Trump.

    In 2016, then Sinclair chairman said "we are here to deliver your message" to Trump, and Trump has gone on to praise them

  18. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    Ahhh, but there is a coordinator involved in the cases where maximizing a reaction to sensational reports about conservatives or minimizing an objection to an unfavorable liberal action have been the goal.

    Last minute releases of information carefully guarded until late on Friday afternoons would hardly make it to the broad media market from all directions if the receptors / handlers / distributors of such information were out on the golf courses and in the pubs partaking in Happy Hour. Such releases are very carefully orchestrated . . .
  19. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Yes, it did. It is (and will continue to be) the cause of more votes for Past POTUS Trump, the same as what occurred with the ill-timed name tag of Deplorables for all Republicans, by Hillary Clinton.

    It is and was very stupid to repeat the process of tagging half of the voters in an Election as weird. It brings out the percentage of voters....the usually don't vote contingent....for the very simple reason that no person considers it an endearing tag. It is over the top personal and has no redeeming quality.

    I admit to being weird. I am certain, based on your comments on this Forum, that you are. It is not because you have a particular political preference, but because you have certain aspects of your personality that many would consider as unusual.

    Should that cancel our vote? what if I vote for the same candidate you do, and publicly declare proudly I did so because I am weird?
    Swim4Life and Mopar Dude like this.
  20. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    How does that logically set aside the DEMOCRAT engineered COUP of a SITTING POTUS, and nominate the VPOTUS, with exactly ZERO VOTES for the VPOTUS BY THE PEOPLE? Hoe does it NOT constitute a deliberate ignorance of the U.S. Constitution? How is that acceptable to ANY American?

    Please refrain from being stupidly illogical. Considering your previously stated "professional" Field of Endeavor, you know better, and you should be condemning such an action.

    Now, on to whether the VPOTUS worked at McDonalds or not.....
    Swim4Life and Mopar Dude like this.

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