Y'all wanna hear a shocker?

Discussion in 'Religion' started by stainless, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Aidan Work

    Aidan Work New Member

    St. Patrick was associated with the native Celtic Church,which has influenced the Presbyterian Church of Scotland to a certain degree.He reputedly used a shamrock leaf to demonstrate the 3 parts of the Trinity.

  2. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?


    Ian Paisley and his partner in crime, Gerry Adams. How else can you re-brand terrorists and make them political buddies?

  3. Aidan Work

    Aidan Work New Member

    Ian Paisley was actually BULLIED into going into government with the mass murderers that are Sinn Fein/I.R.A. by both the British Government & the government of the Romish rebel pirate state that is called the Republic of Ireland.

    Sinn Fein/I.R.A. are the British Isles' equivilant of the Nazi Party,& Gerry Adams is the British Isles' equivilant of Adolf Hitler!

  4. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?

    No, they are both agents of stupidity. Anyone engaging in terrorists activities such as both of them, should be shot. Think UVF and PIRA and IRA and you get the whole picture. Both of these individuals headed the political wings of agents of hate and destruction, that mostly killed innocent people, even their own that they believed collaborated with the other. Neither of these men have any conviction to doing anything beneficial to humanity or Northern Ireland. Frankly the world would be better off without them.
  5. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?

    Aidan; The political, social, and economic structure of Ireland has changed dramatically in the last 15 years. For one thing, there are many people living there that were not born there, but born in Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria etc. They are changing things for the better by ameliorating old hatreds by concentration on business and making money and living well.
  6. Aidan Work

    Aidan Work New Member

    There's a huge world of difference between Ian Paisley & Gerry Adams.

    Has Ian Paisley killed people? The correct answer - NO!

    Has Gerry Adams killed people? The correct answer - YES! The same answer also applies to Gerry Adams' mate Martin McGuinness.

  7. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?

    Rather, neither of them directly killed people, but directed those that did. All the same. Murderous lot of fools.
  8. De Orc

    De Orc Well-Known Member

    You are all just wasting your time with this Aidan knows all the answers as he has met people from NI, me I know nothing even if I live in the UK and have been to NI and have family in both camps, served in the British army, have mates who served and still serve over there. He thinks Paisley is the next thing to god allmighty, the fact that he has associations with killers is irrelavent.
    Adams on the other hand has to be the Devil as he is Catholic LOL and yes he too associated with killers, these days both Protestant paramillitery's & IRA have been quite heavily involved in the Drug buisness.
  9. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?

    The paras and the provos are crooks all, how else could they fund their nefarious endeavours?
  10. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?

    Good company. Martin McGuinness, Gerry Adams, and Ian Paisley. Terrorists all. Ian Paisley claims to have a Doctorate degree, yet cannot substantiate that beyond claiming that it is from "Bob Jones" University. He is also a crook, having kidnapped a 16 year old girl in 1956. He also overlooked a minister at the Kincora School that was molesting little boys, of course there was no problem, after all - the minister was Protestant, he couldn't possibly sin.

    He is nothing more than an obstructionist fool, coupled with his allies McGuinness and Adams, whom were responsible for many people having died for nothing. All these jerks going around spouting off all this nonsense and acting the fool, even getting kicked out of the European Parliament for holding signs.
  11. Aidan Work

    Aidan Work New Member

    You're forgetting one thing.Both Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness were directly involved in the disappearance of Jean McConville,a mother of 10,back in 1974.Her body was found buried in a grave down in the Republic of Ireland in around 2004.

    The time for proscribing Sinn Fein/I.R.A. & giving both Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness the Saddam Hussein Treatment in public is long overdue!

    Here's an article about Ian Paisley; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Paisley .

    Here's a link to his website; http://www.ianpaisley.org .

    Ian Paisley was more than right to have told the late Pope John Paul II that he was the Antichrist right there in the European Parliament back in 1988.I'd say the same thing if the Hell-bound that is Pope Bentdick ever came over here to New Zealand.

  12. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?

    Even old Otto Von Habsburg assisted in the melee to boot out Paisley for his "performance" at the EU Parliament. Paisley is a FRUITCAKE, come on, tell us about the 16 year old girl Maura Lyons that he kidnapped in 1956, and the murders he has indirectly ordered.

    You don't have to bother convince me that McGuinness and Adams are idiots, that is a given. But so is Paisley. It is a simple case of two wrongs thinking they were in the right.

    And might I ask, who has given you the divine right of condemning people to hell? I had believed there was only one determinate in that selection. Was it the "Primate"?
  13. Aidan Work

    Aidan Work New Member

    Pope John Paul II of Rome WAS a NUTCASE who did nothing as far as ending Sinn Fein/I.R.A.'s campaign of genocide,ethnic cleansing,& Britanniphobic terrorism goes.That's why the Racist comments will not be tollerated Aidan is now burning up in the Lake of Fire in Hell,along with Adolf Hitler.

    I don't believe for one second that Ian Paisley was involved in any kidnappings at all.I reckon that Ian Paisley should have been honoured - as a hereditary Lord! His wife,Eileen is a life peeress with the title of 'Eileen,Baroness Paisley of St. George's'.

    Sinn Fein/I.R.A. are still committing acts of barbarism,despite the claims of Sinn Fein/I.R.A. ceasing to be active.Successive governments of the Republic of Ireland have been complicit in their support of Sinn Fein/I.R.A.,which is why it is next to impossible to get the subhuman scumbags extradited back to the U.K.,& before the courts.The same hurdle applies in trying to get Sinn Fein/I.R.A.'s gangsters extradited back to the U.K. from America,yet it is so easy to get an extradition warrant for British subjects to be extradited to America (NatWest Three & the 42 year old hacker from London).

  14. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?

    Offer proof beyond your belief, that Pope John Paul II is burning in hell. Really, that is what you believe, but can you offer proof?

    How about the fake Doctorates that Ian Paisley reports he has, again, from Bob Jones University, ... and unaccredited hate spewing institution.
  15. stainless

    stainless New Member


    unless you can answer the quoted question please shut the hell up....

    everybody knows people do wrong things. They are HUMAN, I bet you are going to hell to, so HAHAHA.

  16. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?

    Answer the freakin' question...!!!
  17. De Orc

    De Orc Well-Known Member

    Aidan most of the IRA/Sinn Fain are extreem left wingers bordering on Communism so what on earth has that got to do with any Pope unless you are also calling the Pope a Communist? You realy dont know a lot about the troubles in Ireland do you, North or South ? You have a hatred of all things that are even remotly connected to the Catholic church and begin ranting without thinking first.
  18. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?

    He forgot apparently that not only were the IRA/Sinn Fein so far out in their rhetoric, that Mowemall Qadaffi suggested that they convert to Islam and he would send them even more weapons, explosives etc. with which to engage in their criminal mayhem in Ireland. Don't even bother to make the ridiculous assertion that anybody involved in criminal activities up to and including murder are engaged in a religious struggle. All that Nationalist/Unionist Catholic/Protestant was a mere smoke screen for criminal thuggery, the victims of which were mostly innocents.

    You cannot be faithful to anybody but the devil if you engage in that behaviour.
  19. Aidan Work

    Aidan Work New Member

    You're forgetting that the Vatican City was used to launder money on behalf of Sinn Fein/I.R.A..Pope John Paul II of Rome LAST WARNING ABOUT RACIST COMMENTS AIDAN knew about it,& did absolutely nothing to stop the use of the Vatican City's financial system for money laundering.

    The Vatican City is an extremely dodgy & secretive tax haven.

    Here's an article about Bob Jones University; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Jones_University .

    Ian Paisley did definitely study there,as did quite a number of clergy in the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster.

  20. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney ¿Quien sabes?


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