Trumpies Fall for Pathetic Caravan Scare Tactic

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JoeNation, Nov 8, 2018.

  1. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    What a total bunch of gutless morons the Right-wing is. To prove that this thread title is 100% correct. Watch how fast we never again hear about this caravan of disease carrying, crime-ridden, terrorist infiltrated, brown people coming to kill your family and eat your babies. Ri-i-i-i-i-i-i-ght!

    It was simply a political stunt that Trump knew would scare his idiot base into running to the polls in fear. And we all know that the ends justify the means. God! They are a gullible lot.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
  2. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    Not a word about the caravan in a week.
  3. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    But they are coming to rape and murder us.
  4. Recusant

    Recusant Member

    The Trumpariat really doesn't care that he and his dumpster fire of a party play them like a rusty gutbucket. Nor are they particularly sincere about the supposed principles they rant about. If Obama had decided to skip going to the National Cemetery because there was rain in the forecast, they'd be screaming at the top of their lungs about how he'd betrayed America and hated the troops. Trump does that? Apparently not a problem.

    I'm a member of a right-wing site of the "Prep and pray, Obama's going to cancel elections, just you wait and see!!" variety. After Trump stayed in the White House when he should have gone to Arlington, I checked in regularly. Not a single comment from them about it for days. Then one of the few antagonists posted about it, and the conspiracy theories came to the surface: "Well, maybe he's been told of a security threat." "Yeah, it must have been the Secret Service that told him not to go!" And of course, "Since when do leftists care about the troops?!"
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
  5. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    The reality is that his followers are as low-brow, uneducated, and ignorant as he is and they think that putting someone like themselves in office is going to make their own lives better somehow. If they just looked around and asked themselves how well the people around them are doing, they might get a clue as to how someone like Trump will work out. But introspection is not their strong suit. People like Trump are a shit-storm that covers anyone near him in thick layers of human feces blinding them all to the maniac at the center of the maelstrom as it sucks everyone down to his level.
  6. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    Has your family been negatively impacted by an illegal immigrant? Mine has. Seeing a beautiful granddaughter’s life changed forever is quite impactful. Be advised, it is easy to judge from a distance.
  7. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    I have never met a family that has been "negatively impacted" by an immigrant. I would hate to even think that a beautiful young girl had an issue directly related to an immigrant situation. Sorry to hear that you have had problems. Having said that, you are kind of vague about this negative impact, could you be a little more specific? And you are all too right, that it is easy to judge from a distance. Judgement usually is directly related to one's own experiences. That judgment can swing either way depending on your own experience.
  8. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    Three years ago my granddaughter who is a truly beautiful young lady was "mishandled" by a group of young animals (I refuse to call them young men) that were later identified as gang members. She was leaving work late in the evening and assaulted. That's about as graphic as I'll be on a public forum. Since the incident the negative psychological impact has caused her young marriage to dissolve leaving my two young great grandchildren now forever marred by the experience as well...... You can probably asses that I have deep feelings on the issue so I readily admit that I am quite biased and cannot fairly contribute to the national discussion concerning border crossing issues. However I do know that like with most troubles our nation faces in these times it must be dealt with rationally. Radical opinions left or right do nothing but inflame additional callous words that accomplish nothing. Hence my reason for joining this board. I truly want to understand why solutions to our problems cannot be arrived at using the time proven method of civilized discussion and compromise.
  9. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    Wise words my friend. Good wishes for your family. May they come out of this stronger on the other side.
    Mopar Dude likes this.

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